AFR Insurance Sets Up Auto Drive Line Following Hail Storm


NORMAN, Okla. – On Wednesday, April 28, 2021, a hail storm passed through Norman, Newcastle, and surrounding areas causing damages to homes and vehicles. In the days following the storm, AFR Insurance received hundreds of phone calls reporting damages and made arrangements to set up an “Auto Drive Line” with the new AFR Mobile CARE Unit.


The Auto Drive Line was set up in Norman, OK, at the Embassy Suites on Saturday and Sunday, May 1-2. The AFR Care Trailer and drive-thru tent were used to help service our customers’ claims as quickly as possible.


“Customers were able to bring their vehicles to the Drive Line for an inspection, estimate and payment,” said Darin Miller, Director of Claims at AFR Insurance. “We were able to process claims three to four days following the storm, allowing our customers to get their repairs started quicker.”


As of now, AFR Insurance had 379 total claims related to the April 28th hail storm. Out of the 379, 158 claims were vehicle related. Adjusters began inspecting vehicles Thursday, April 29th and continued throughout the weekend. 


In two days, over $310,000 was paid in auto claim settlements at the Auto Drive Line. AFR adjusters continue to service our customers by doing on-site inspections for customers who could not make the Auto Drive Line.


“We appreciate our customers’ willingness to bring their vehicles to our Drive Line and Embassy Suites for allowing us to use their space,” said Miller. “With the use of the trailer and tent, we were able to process and close claims faster- helping our customers focus on what’s important.”


This is a part of the ongoing Mobile CARE Unit Initiative to provide assistance and support following natural disasters. AFR Insurance will continue to use this unit in various places across Oklahoma following storms in the area.


AFR Insurance provides auto, home, farm and life insurance with an emphasis on quality products and exceptional customer service. Affiliated with Oklahoma Farmers Union, AFR was established in 1905 and is headquartered in Oklahoma City. AFR Insurance is available statewide and is recognized as a leading domestic insurance carrier in the state of Oklahoma.

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